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Download the full toolkit as a zip file

Download the full toolkit as a zip file

If you want all the tools in one go, download the ZIP file here, including Menu Engineering PDF, Star Dog Menu Analysis EXCEL & Sample Menu PDF. If you prefer to download specific tools individually, you’ll find them below.

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Menu Engineering PDF

Menu Engineering PDF

This guide explains how to use POS data to streamline your menu offer & maximise profit, co-created with Yumpingo , restaurant consultancy helping restaurants to collect and analyze guest data and turn it into actionable insights. Chef Alex and Yumpingo talk you through it step by step in our Operational Efficiency training course.

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Star Dog Menu Analysis Tool Excel

Star Dog Menu Analysis Tool Excel

The Star Dog menu analysis tool, created by UFS Chef Alex Hall, is a quick way to review your menu, looking at what dishes are your stars and what you might benefit from changing. The Menu Engineering Guide above explains how to use this tool, and Chef Alex talks you through it step by step in our Operational Efficiency training course.

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Sample Menu PDF

Sample Menu PDF

This sample menu PDF is an example of how a menu can be structured using the latest techniques in menu psychology to draw attention to your most profitable dishes.

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